Thursday, May 31, 2007

Warnings From 1984 That George Orwell Was Trying to Get Across.

There was a series of warnings that I noticed throughout 1984. Some of them haven't become a problem in our current society, but can become a problem very soon. One of the first warnings that I noticed was the technology that was discovered. Telescreens made it possible for The Party to know everything from what you ate for breakfast to the conversation you had with one of your kids before bedtime. They were like robotic spies that could reveal your hatred for the government at any time. There were also hidden microphones. This covered the places where telescreens could not be put. These microphones couldn't be seen and were convienient for catching enemies who thought they were safe somewhere far from Airstrip One. In our current society, our government can tap into private phones. Whether this priviledge is going to be abused by our government, we will soon find out. In 1984, there is also Newspeak. This is a way to make the people talk and think less. If The Party is minimizing the amount of words that exist, then people arent going to be able to explain themselves or thier feelings. The new generation of teens have something very similar to Newspeak. When we text or IM eachother, we abbreviate everything. Laugh out loud is LOL, be right back is BRB, talk to you later is TTYL, and nothing much, how about you? is NMHBU. Some people actually take this language out of thier cellphones and computers and use it when they are talking to friends or parents. It is a little worrying to me. I dont want my kids to abbreivate everything by nature! On every street corner, wall, and house, there was posters saying BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. This is propaganda to fear people into not disobeying the law. Propaganda is everywhere in our current society. Hollywood can make girls become aneorexic, commericals with Anna Nicole Smith can make diet pills look great, and movies or Ads can make underage drinking and drugs look fun. Propaganda plays a huge role in the way new generations are growing up. You are only cool if you have the newest iPod, cell phone, digital camera, or laptop. If you don't have a pair of Uggs or a Coach bag then don't bother trying to be popular. There were plenty of warnings that Orwell brought up. I think it is amazing that everything he predicted in 1948 about 1984 is happening in 2007.Our society has so many similarities it is scary. It makes me worried for my furture or my children's future.

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