Friday, May 11, 2007

George Orwell 1984.

I was interested in getting started with 1984. I had knew about the background of the book and loved books with a similar plot like 1984. My first impressions were satisfying. I really enjoyed the first 30-40 pages. There is alot that pops out as strange and alot that you want to find out. I love books that make you question and books that make you want to read more for answers. This is one of those books. I have good expectations for the rest of the book and I have a feeling im not going to be able to put it down. I loved that the first 20 or so pages werent terrible. I hate that and I usually stop reading the book.
I can already relate to Winston's feelings and ideas. He has already brought up characters that make you question who they are and if they are good or bad. I have been able to form alot of opinons about Emmanuel Golstein as well. I think he was catching on to the corrupted government. I think he wanted to tell this society the truth and start letting the people think for themselves. Big Brother obviously did'nt like this. It would have ruined his dystopia and caused riots. Big Brother and the Party's way of keeping Goldstein's threat of exposure away from the public was to make Emmanuel the enemy. That is what the Two Minutes of Hate is. It is a way of letting the people release thier anger and keep the idea of hate against Emmanuel. This way no one starts to question. Big Brother has to stay seeming like the heroic leader. I also have a feeling that O'Brien is on the same page as Winston. I think he will come up alot more in the book. The thought police also made me question. Can these police get into your head somehow and know if you are starting to question the government?
The way the children in this society are used is shocking. It has a connection to the children in Africa, just not as intense. Children in Darfur are trained as soldiers in the Rebel army as young as 5 years old. They are trained to kill anyone who does not satisfy them. The children in this book are being brainwashed at very young ages as well. Thier own parents live in fear of them because these kids are "Spies." I think these children are brainwashed and talked to alot in order for them to turn thier parents in. They have to be bribed or assured that if they turn thier parents in something amazing will happen. It dosent take alot to corrupt a young mind. This government obviously plans on staying this way for a long time if they are creating generations of Spies to become Thought Police or become part of the Party. I dont think they want the threat of another Emmanuel Goldstein.
I wonder why this society is always at war? Why is the Eurasian army so terrible? If they are backing up Emmanuel Goldstein, then maybe they are the good guys. They are involved in the Two Minutes of Hate as well, so in my opinion these can be the good guys who are going to save the people in this dystopia who are living in fear.

1 comment:

Miller said...

Olivia: Some interesting thoughts here, especially as it concerns Goldstein. You say that Goldstein could have caused an overthrow of the government and Big Brother purposelly made him the enemy. Ask yourself this as you contine to read: Does Goldstein really exist? Does it matter?

You seem to be touching on many important elements of the novel in how Big Brother has completely overtaking the society, through the two minute hate to the indoctrination of the children.

Does any of this happen in our country today? How is our government similar to that of Big Brother? Thoughts to keep in mind as you continue reading. Good job and keep it up.